Super Fly Webstore

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sulking Sculpin

The olive Sulking Sculpin has been a great fish catching I'm offering it in two additional colors...rust and black...great on the swing or bottom bounced with a sink line....


My first attempt at a realistic spider....

Monday, December 26, 2011


A gift for my Mom...
Western Tanager..

A Scarlet Tanager

A pair of Cardinals for Joe...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Punks off to South Carolina

As I begin to box these up and write out the shipping label....I feel a little pit of jealously forming in my stomach....As I sit here in the makings of a typical Northeast winter, my Punks lay ready to bask in the warm Carolina day I will be without freezing temps, snow and day...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


New Punks out the door...rush delivery.....

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Recent Birds

These are a few recent display fly orders...flying away to their new homes...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cold Feet?

Last year my brother and I had the idea to get together for out father's birthday and do some winter fishing. It has now become a yearly trip. The gathering of cold feet happened this last weekend. The weather of course was going to be cold...but not as bad as last year..19 degrees and a blizzard...This year it was a balmy 21 when we arrived..warming up to about 30 throughout the day...

We fished our butts off...breaking regularly to warm the toes...A sub break in the afternoon...a few laughs in between..all in all just a great day for the three of us to spend some time together and attempt to catch a fish...some flies were offered up to the river gods, as well as split shot, leaders, tippet and some of our sanity...some advice on casting and high sticking....a few fish were hooked into...but nothing landed. We had the good fortune of running into a friend of mine...The Rusty Spinner...shared some water...shared some laughs...

This is the look of two cold guys questioning my thought process as to why winter fly fishing is a brilliant idea....

Maybe next year we'll do the birthday fishing trip six months the 80 degree sun chasing warm water trophies....although I don't know if it would feel right chasing birthday fish without the cold feet....

Rite Bobbin

I have to be honest...I never gave my bobbins a thought...I picked up whatever I could buy for less then $10.00 and used it...struggling to make the tension on the thread correct by constantly bending and unbending the bobbin...Cheap bobbins break constantly..especially when tying with deer hair..The amount of pressure put on the cheap stuff will eventually break them. After replacing them multiple times it begins to add up...This year at the Symposium I was approached by Rite Bobbins. I gave a chuckle at first because I knew the price on these. They asked me to just try it out and give it go. So I did...That being said all of my bobbins are now replaced with Rite Bobbins CERMAG....

These bobbins offer total thread control with the click of an adjustment knob on the side of the bobbin. Instead of two metal pieces coming up and constantly getting in the way, you now have one metal stem coated in fits comfortably and effortlessly in the palm of your hand. Want more tension...turn the knob...less...turn it the other way,....Each click gives you about one ounce of about total control. With the squeeze of your hand the thread stops completely...let go and it's back to business...These bobbins are so smooth..words can't even explain it.

I am proud to announce that I will be offering these on my web store for sale. They have changed the way that I view bobbins and tie my flies. I think they will do the same for you...Stop by my shop..pick one won't be sorry...

Show some love....My friends and fellow fly addicts

These are two of my buddies....outstanding fly makers and all around great fly anglers....chasing everything with gills...especially if teeth are involved...Brian Price and Ken Capsey...

Tight Lines Fly Shop

Vermont Fly Guys

Born in the hills of West Virginia and graduating from WVU with a B.S. in Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Resource Management. I currently reside in the Green Mountains of Vermont with Lake Champlain at my doorstep. I'm an avid fly fisherman and fly tyer..I have flyfishing experience from the Deshutes in Oregon to the coast of Maine. My specialty is Eastern streams and rivers and of course the world famous Great Lakes Salmon and Steelhead from Ontario to Erie. I have made the "Runner Up" three times for the tying contest in the world published "Fly Fishing and Tying Journal" , one of the originators of the Ditch Pickle Classic, and recently joined as a Board Member of the Friends of the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge. I specialize tying Pike/Musky, Bass, Great Lakes Steelhead, and Trout. Brian has been fishing since he 4 years old. 30 years later, he is going on 15 years of fly fishing and fly tying.

Joining me in the Vermont Fly Guy's flyshop this year is friend and fishing cohort, Ken Capsey. Ken is a native Vermonter whos home waters lie in the depths of Lake Carmi, Lake Champlain and the Missisquoi River. Ken is also one of the originators of the Ditch Pickle Classic, and maintains a following with his pike fishing blog Ken and his Pike flies will be featured in a book in 2012 by Ad Swier from the UK.
All of the flies we offer are tied by us personally right from our own home. We offer flies that we fish and will be taking custom orders as well. We take great pride in our flies and go to great measures to make them the most durable and effective flies on the market. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with any of our flies, please contact us and we will gladly replace any fly within reason.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Another fishless day

The Rusty Spinner and I hit the SR together for the second time yesterday...The day began with fish talk and high hopes. Fishing with RS is always a pleasure...lots of sharing of fish info, fly porn and laughs...I do think that the discussion of the tattoo and body modification industry and the things that people do to themselves was a little eye opening for him...another day at the office for me...We decided to chance a drive further up north to take a stab at another special river first.

This little river, another Ontario Trib. is where I managed to catch my very first Steelhead. I have a few friends that fish it religiously and very successfully. I have not managed to catch a fish on it since that day. This river for the life of me I cannot figure out. It's as fickle as a sixteen year old girl buying a new pair of shoes. One day it's on...the next it's empty...I can't pattern it. We gave it about two hours there..chucking streamers and nymphs at every pocket, run and pool we could find...Notta...

We ventured to the SR...For some reason...Mother Nature is still teasing us with fairly mild weather for the time of year. This means that the river is still full of people. We scoured the water for open spaces...secret locations....we fished high and and slow....shallow runs...deep bends...slow pools...eventually towards the end of the day we found what we were looking for...

We both hooked into beautiful rosy cheeked torpedos...they were all brought within arms reach...actually both of us managed to get them to each other's feet...The problem...we left the net at the car...The water was chasing the steelhead...They all managed to save their dignity and not give us a sexy fish porn proof us this warm water bug chucking bearded man fooling them with one of his cold water time...we bring the net...

I did however get to put a huge bend in my Fenwick....a smile on my face for sure...steelies watch out...The Rusty Spinner and I will be back for revenge...there's a lot of winter to go....

The Drift....

The Tug....

The Drift...

The Set....

The Reason....

Carolina Wren

A little deer hair work for my friend Cameron at The Fiberglass Manifesto...A Carolina Wren...of course it's just a display fly...not intended for fish catching use...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Playing around...

An all wool version of a shad....

All wool Mullet....

Playing around with flex tube and CCG...

Monday, November 28, 2011


The bandits....

My Brother Chris

My Brother-in-Law..Dan the Wee Man

We journeyed to the Salmon River again today...hoping for some Steelie chasing...We met up with fellow maniacs John Collins and Mike Nutto...We walked high and low...swung streamers...bounced bottom....There was no action to be found. The water dropped to 335 cfs...41 degrees....and was littered with turkey stuffed fishermen everywhere...

Needless to say....the fish outsmarted us...This game of steelhead cat and mouse is an interesting one for me. First off..I hate winter..I hate the cold. I started this type of fishing last year...I decided to learn to love winter, embrace the cold, the snow and a new species of fish for me...Everything about this sport of steelheading is different then what I am used to. The flies are different, the technique is different, the fight is different, the take is different...even the people chasing them are different. Which makes finally catching one of them that much more exciting...I feel like I have earned the take when I get it...

No Steelhead were landed...but I did stick a healthy Brown with the Fenwick...I hooked into a Steelhead that ran like a freight train and broke me off in less then a second...Always a good time...

Friday, November 25, 2011

11-25-11...getting perchy

After an amazing Thanksgiving meal on Thursday (thanks Mom) brother and I decided to hit the water for hour today to burn off a little gravy...We hit a local resevoir with rabbit strips and bead head pheasant tails to hook into some perchie goodness...Perch we found...I put the new(old) Southbend glass 5wt to the test...recently snazzed up with a 1494 Pflueger and a Cortland 5 wt floating line....perch were just asking for their fresh lip piercings...My brother hooked all of his fish on flies of his own design...The CC Crusher...a blend of lead eyes and bunny strips that proved to be deadly...