Super Fly Webstore

Sunday, October 2, 2011

10-2-11...Fall Pickerel

One of my favorite times of the year to slam some super aggressive Pickerel...We hit it today...over 30 fish landed...double that missed...killer...

The new fly that rocked the house until a beast swam away with it stuck in it's jaw...
Equinsu ocha....soon to be available at the store...

This and other flies hard at work....

Coop getting some....

Now for the confession...Forgive me fellow fly rodders for I have sinned against our sport...While out slamming picks...I broke the metal feral on my fiberglass rod...With not much time left I decided not to go back to the Jeep and set up a new rod...instead I grabbed a spin rod from the back of Phil's kayak...The good part...instead of tackle I used my weighted flies...The melancholy worked great..I slammed pickerel with flies using a spin rod..It changed the action of the flies and I couldn't keep fish off of the line...I'm not really sure what to feel about this..I know I'm going to change my retrieve methodology with a fly rod though...I actually learned quite a bit by doing this today as surprising at it may sound....Feeling a little dirty after this event, I immediately ran home (with smirk)..and took a hot shower from the inside out....Back to the bug chucker tommorrow...


  1. Tools of the trade....they all work!

  2. You may feel a bit sullied but imagine how you'd feel after putting meat on a hook. Great pickerel Pat, I wish we had them in numbers here.

  3. white devil eh? i like it. i keep hearing about the pickerel action on a local lake...might need to give it a try soon. awesome flies as always.

  4. I like your take on it as a learning opp. It's all good. Articulated. Wool head? Your innovation is great.

  5. Sinner! Nice flies and fish porn though!

  6. Now that looks like a hell of a time! I'd like to see that fly in an extra large to throw at some muskie...looks great.

  7. We all give in to sin from time to time, the important thing is you caught a lot of sweet toothy beasts and learned something from the dark side.

  8. thanks all....fall pickerel...good times for sure...that fly was killer until a beast of a chain ripped through 25lb flouro and swam away with the original prototype...

  9. Pat it's so true, pickerel are great fish on the fly (or any tackle as you experienced). Dont feel dirty. It would have been wrong to leave to get a rod and miss good fishing :)
