Super Fly Webstore

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fat Head Deceiver

I made a fly....I know, it's the usual story...although these flies I made for a fly shop in Canada to help them catch more Atlantic Salmon. They have a smelt run and apparently the Atlantics enjoy these juicy snacks. The anglers use muddlers and things of that sort on the swing, chucking all sorts of fluff with spey rods and T-14 to get them down...So...I made them some flies..."Fat Head Deceiver"

Smelt pattern...

I also made them some randomly colored ones to give a whirl...These are made with a specially dyed schlappin feather, the patterning is called "Rattlesnake"

1 comment:

  1. Put a stinger hook on that thing and I'd fish it at night for trout.
