A great morning....Bluegills, a couple of Perch and a Smallmouth to start my day off with a bang...Nothing record breaking...but fun none the less.....
Friday, April 29, 2011
4-29-11...The day the Resevoir turned on
I woke up this morning with the usual aches, pains and discomfort that comes along with being a tattoo artist. I looked up and saw a planet that I have seen in a while.....The Sun.....Out of bed I jumped and off to the local resevoir with a six weight to catch some panfish....
A great morning....Bluegills, a couple of Perch and a Smallmouth to start my day off with a bang...Nothing record breaking...but fun none the less.....

A great morning....Bluegills, a couple of Perch and a Smallmouth to start my day off with a bang...Nothing record breaking...but fun none the less.....
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
4-27-11 A little Pickerel action
Monday, April 25, 2011
4-24-11...Easter Bass Hunt
My step dad Phil and I went out this morning for a little Easter Bass Hunt. We woke up to sun and warmth....I thought I might have been lifted up during the night from a Wizard of Oz type tornado and dropped to a different part of the country at first. We loaded up the boats and made it 1 mile down the road before we both needed to turn around for emergency fecal evacuation. Back to the house we went.
Finally back on the road....We arrive at the lake. The sun disappeared and the wind showed it's face. Oh well...The boats were rigged and ready to rock...
This was the first time Phil had used his new kayak. If you remember from some of my older posts from last summer, Phil nearly drowned....twice...So this year he bought a top of the line PFD...and wore it...
Of course I was still prepared to have to pull him from the swampy water if he took a swim. Getting in the kayak for the first time is always a bit tricky...so my camera was locked and loaded to catch all of the action...Thankfully this was the only photo that was needed....He made it in the boat....Off we went...
This is my BOOMSTICK!!!!!!!!!!
Phil caught the first fish of day, a healthy 13 inch Largemouth....He also hit a few Pickerel and the first Crappie he was ever hooked....
I managed a 13 inch Largemouth, a 16 inch Largemouth and a few Pickerel pushing 20 plus inches....
Now people that sit home and never get off of the couch miss out on all the great experiences that nature has to us. We watched a Bald Eagle scour the surface of the lake for an easy meal. He dove straight into the water and ripped out a fish with his talons. At one point when Phil was unhooking a Pickerel, the bird actually began circling over his head...All in all....A great first kayak fishing trip of the year...Many more to come so stay tuned....Tight lines....
Friday, April 22, 2011
4-22-11.....Munch....got munched
The maiden voyage of my vintage 1986 Sawyer Oscoda 17 foot flat back canoe happened today. It's registered, I have a 37lb thrust motor hooked to it...ready to rock. (I will post pics of the new boat soon. I have a huge restoration and fishing machine conversion project in store for it)..My buddy Steve and I launch the craft....It floats, no water aboard. We go to turn on the motor...click click..notta....Hmmm...check connections, check prop...all is well....Unhook motor from boat...We bring it over to my car...Connect to car battery...motor humms like a dream,...Me...being the technological and mechanical wiz that I am, read the charger wrong and thought the battery was fully charged...not so much....a paddling we went....
Hit a few pickerel....The Munch was a desirable fly indeed...This beaut smashed it with a vengeance

...Steven had the hot rod of the day...landing three to my one

...Frost on the windows, clouds in the sky...cold as a witch's tippet....It was still good to be out and on the water....
Hit a few pickerel....The Munch was a desirable fly indeed...This beaut smashed it with a vengeance

...Steven had the hot rod of the day...landing three to my one

...Frost on the windows, clouds in the sky...cold as a witch's tippet....It was still good to be out and on the water....
Sunday, April 17, 2011
4-17-11....Munch again
Due to rain and winds up to 40 mph, my fishing was fairly limited this morning...So here are the colors of the Munch that I will be offering. Email me for info....They are amazing in the water, the wool slims down and creates a realistic profile...between the marabou, the hackle, the rabbit and the rubber legs there is more movement then you can imagine. Flash in the tail, flash in the head...Mustad 1/0 salt hook and a Fish Skull to hold it all down...These things are promised to rock...

Monday, April 11, 2011
4-11-11....finally a trout
Sunday, April 10, 2011
4-10-11....a day of casting
My step father Phil and I decided to hit one of the local trout streams today. After spending the winter hooking up on Great Lakes Steel and Browns, the thought of catching little ten inch stockers was not all that exciting. We ventured out and about anyway. After printing a stream map, we decided on a stretch of water that neither of us had been on. We park illegally on the side of the highway, write a little note in the window explaining to law enforcement what we are doing and off we went. Scraping, tumbling and drudging our way through bushes, overgrown shrubbery, beaver chewed trees and water that was just a little to high for Phil's hip boots, we made it to a fishable bank. Fishing we were....I made my normal fly sacrifices to the river gods, the trees, the rocks and whatever else other then a fish that seemed to reach out and rip my fly off the line...No fish were hooked. We loaded back up and drove further down stream. We walked through a pasture, slightly damp cow crap mixed with run off mud and over flow debris greeted our arrival. We fished and fished....I hear out of nowhere...Holy crap...that's a fish...I turn to see Phil with a bent rod and a struggling fish approaching the bank. As I began to head over, never mind...he's off....haha....that's the way it goes...With a new found excitement due to the ridiculously big size of the fish, we continue on. I'm swinging a streamer, at the end of the swing a beast from the bottom comes up, takes a swipe at it and what do I do....I rip the fly straight from the fish's mouth....We fished for another couple of hours before tossing in the towel on trout for the day...A lesson learned though...There are big fish in there...
My insane desire to actually land a fish today lead us to a lake on the way home...half of it was still frozen, there were no fish to be found.
We parted ways after that...A great day...no fishy pictures to fill this post up with...
I ended my day catching up with two buddies and hitting a local swamp for some carping....Again....a failed attempt at hooking a fish today....
Total fly loss for the day...12....Time to hit the vice.....
My insane desire to actually land a fish today lead us to a lake on the way home...half of it was still frozen, there were no fish to be found.
We parted ways after that...A great day...no fishy pictures to fill this post up with...
I ended my day catching up with two buddies and hitting a local swamp for some carping....Again....a failed attempt at hooking a fish today....
Total fly loss for the day...12....Time to hit the vice.....
Saturday, April 9, 2011
4-9-11....for the trophies
I was contaced by a friend recently who is going on an Alaskan adventure. He asked if I could supply him with some fish catching goodness....So of course I accepted the commission and went to work tying some fur and feather jaw piercing madness....A few of these patterns are my personal take on some other flies, but these were all tied by me...These are the results....

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