Where to begin....What a great day...My fishing chum and I were dropped off today...This was a 2 car deal....5 minutes after the car left....with no cell service...the rain begins....Fishing, kayaking are both water sports and the fish are already wet so who cares....It stopped not too long after it began anyway....I made a new streamer pattern to fix the problem with short strikes...I took my go to smallie pattern and articulated it.....Worked like a charm...

We started to boat some fish...Steve caught a walleye and a few nice smallies...He struggled a bit today getting hook ups...It happens, everyone has those days...

We encountered some beautiful areas of creek that I have never seen before. Lots of area that people don't spend too much time on....That's one of the things I love about kayak fly fishing...Going where no one else is...Just the water, you, the fish and nature....To me, in my world, it doesn't get any better...

I had a good day fish catching as well....Landed smallies and small carp....about 25 were put in the boat....I missed more then I caught...I only photograph bass over 13 inches....So I only have a few photos...We hit a lot of smaller ones today....My crayfish pattern that I have been working on hooked some fish today as well....No photos of that yet...

There are som many stories to tell about this trip...Kayaking mishaps....I shot my boat down a riffle section with some strong current. There was an undercut bank with a deep pool and a fallen tree in the middle of it. Well, the current took me and slammed me into the tree, my net was sacrificed to the river....My extra fly rod caught in the tree, and me slammed in to the branches..Had to shore the boat and brave the current to get my rod back....Steve had a similar experience, current and a tree....Held him up good...Sideways, while the boat began to fill with water....Everyone survived, a good time was had....Lots of laughs and slimy fish hands....Tight lines